Kedma Cosmetics Philippines Review: Do They Work?

Being a full-time homemaker and mom is a fulfilling job; I wouldn’t trade it for any other job in the world. But there are times I put my needs aside just so I can take better care of my kids, hubby, and furbaby. Even during my me time, I tend to look for mundane things to fix or clean. I guess that’s just how moms are.

But ladies, it’s okay to set aside time for yourself! We deserve it! And in pursuit of discovering the best pampering, skincare products for all the moms out there, I started this new project — a Kedma cosmetics review blog.

So, why Kedma Cosmetics? A lot of reasons. First, some of my friends have been raving about it for some time now. I’ve always been obsessed with skincare, and if I find something better than the ones in my skincare routine, I’m ready to jump on the bandwagon.

I know that my skin is very different from theirs, though, so the products may produce different results for me. I have combination skin, and I go out in the sun a lot (I can’t let my sons lose their dedicated cheerleader at soccer practice and games, of course).

Second, a lot of people ask me about Kedma, even my in-laws. I think I’m the go-to person in my circles for skincare. Imagine their surprise when they found out I haven’t tried them yet. So, what better way to share my thoughts on the products than setting up a Kedma review blog?

Third, I am genuinely intrigued by their products. Apart from their basic skincare line, they also have exclusive creams and masks that have gold and diamonds. Precious metals and stones? On my skin? Sign me up!

Gold and Diamonds on My Vanity

I admit that the most exciting part of this Kedma Philippines review is the ingredients. I love natural products, so I’m really looking forward to trying out the creams and masks. Kedma used skin faves like green tea, vitamins A and C, borage seed and jojoba seed oil, aloe vera, and hyaluronic acid. They also have less popular — yet allegedly effective — ingredients like basil, Dunaliella seaweed, and gingko biloba. Some products even contain Dead Sea mud! I guess I’ll be reliving last year’s family trip to Israel.

Here comes the fun part: the precious ingredients! Some Kedma products contain actual gold and pearls (yes, check the list of ingredients). I’ve tried products with gold and pearl powder before, and, so far, my skin responded to them very well. I’m looking forward to seeing if I’ll truly feel like a modern-day Cleopatra with my Kedma products.

Some of the other products in the skin care line, meanwhile, contain actual precious stones. The masks and creams from their Gems Collection have ruby, sapphire, and diamond powder. I’ve never tried them before, but I’m more than happy to give them a whirl. Expect a lot of first-times in my Kedma Philippines reviews!

The Kedma Cosmetics Line

If you’re a busy mommy like me, you know how difficult and time-consuming it is to find products that work really well together. Kedma did the work for us — they have four collections worth fawning over.

First, we have the basic collection – the one that contains the essentials. We have bathing products like soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. We also have after-bath must-haves, such as toners and creams.

We also have the luxury collection, which features the gold and precious stones-infused products. My Kedma Philippines reviews will check if these would make my skin look like royalty.

For mommies who need a little more pampering, Kedma Cosmetics offers the treatment collection. This collection focuses on two key ingredients — hyaluronic acid and collagen — which are, as my sons say, “OGin the world of skincare (For those wondering, “OG” means “original gangsters, which means they’re old school in a good way).


Last is Kedma’s sets and gifts. It’s a package product for when you want to give a gift that won’t be stored at the back of the wardrobe and forgotten. Their luxurious packaging will grab everyone’s attention anywhere. Just refer to my Kedma reviews to find out which set is perfect for your loved one.

Skin Elixir, or So It Says

Pretty boxes and impressive ingredients aside, the purpose of a skincare product is to keep the skin beautiful. Kedma Cosmetics Philippines says their products make the skin smoother and softer. More importantly, its products reverse the signs of aging. At my age, that is my priority.

The company follows the tradition of Cleopatra, who supposedly used gold and Dead Sea mud for her beauty routine. Perhaps the company wanted this luxurious pampering to be available to us, who weren’t born to Egyptian royalty.

I’m so excited to start this new project! Reviewing Kedma Cosmetics Philippines wasn’t something I thought I’d do, but the products were too interesting to pass up on. I’m really curious to find out if the basic collections work well together, if the luxury collections are worth their weight in gold, if the treatment collection will restore the skin I had in my 20’s, and if a Kedma set should be the most talked about gift during the holiday season.

More importantly, I love to share the findings of my Kedma Cosmetics reviews with you, my lovely readers. Hopefully, you’ll find them useful in determining the products that work well for your skin. I know how stressful it is to find the right skincare creams. So, I did the hard part for you.

Let’s put these products to the test! Read my reviews to know which Kedma products you should take home


About Us

Kedma Cosmetics combines the secrets of ancient Egyptian cosmetics with the revitalizing properties of Dead Sea minerals, the anti-aging properties of gold and innovative production technologies to bring youth, health and vitality to women and men worldwide.

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